Glow Up in 30 Days: Secrets to a New You

Are you ready to transform yourself from head to toe and feel like the absolute best version of you? I know life can get crazy sometimes, and it's easy to put ourselves on the back burner. But I'm here to tell you that you deserve to prioritize your well-being and feel amazing inside and out! 🌟

That's why I've put together this ultimate 30-day glow up guide just for you. With 10 simple and effective tips that will have you radiating confidence and joy in no time. 😊

glow up 2024

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Before we start:

I know it might feel overwhelming at first, but trust me, even small changes can make a big difference! Think of this as a love letter to yourself, a commitment to nourishing your mind, body, and soul for the next 30 days. So, let's dive in together and transform your life, one day at a time. By the end of these 30 days, you won't even recognize the radiant, confident, and unstoppable woman staring back at you in the mirror. πŸ’«

Remember, this journey is all about progress, not perfection. Be kind to yourself, celebrate your wins (no matter how small!), and most importantly: have fun! You deserve to feel incredible, inside and out. So, let's get started on this epic glow up adventure together! πŸ™Œβœ¨

1. Drink 2 liters of water daily

I know it’s basic, but drinking water is the foundation of any serious glow up journey. I used to barely drink water, but when I committed to drinking 2 liters a day, it was a game-changer for my skin, making it glowy, healthy, and radiant. While water wasn't the ultimate cure for my acne (I plan to write an article about my acne-clearing journey, so make sure to get notified when it goes live!), it played a big role in my transformation. Two things that helped me commit to drinking water are a cute water bottle (of course!) and a free app called "My Water," which allows you to log your intake of water, coffee, and tea (and it’s totally FREE). 

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2. Incorporate peppermint tea/dandelion tea into your routine

Let's talk about the magic of tea. Not only is it a soothing ritual, but certain blends can actually balance your hormones and get you that glow! 

Spearmint tea is a total game-changer, fam. Studies show 2 cups per day can reduce those pesky androgens causing excess facial hair, acne, and PCOS probs. πŸ™Œ Plus, that minty freshness is a mood-booster!

Don't sleep on dandelion tea either! This little flower is a natural diuretic to flush out excess water weight and toxins. 🌼 It also supports that liver function for hormone balance. 1-2 cups daily, and watch your body transform!

And let's not forget peppermint tea , a spa day for your digestive system! It can reduce bloating, calm inflammation, and even give your metabolism a lil' boost. 🌿 Sipping on that warm minty goodness is pure relaxation for those stress hormones too.

3. Take probiotics and collagen supplements

Let me introduce you to two glow-getting MVPs: probiotics and collagen!

Probiotics = tiny gut superheroes πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ Keeping your gut happy with foods like yogurt, kefir, and kombucha = clear, glowing skin.

Collagen = BFF for skin, hair, nails πŸ’… This protein holds it all together. Boost it with bone broth, fish, eggs, and citrus.

You can either get these from food, or find a supplement that you like!

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4. Cut out toxic people from your life

Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people is everything for your mental health.

You deserve to feel lifted up and celebrated, not torn down and criticized. So pay attention to how folks make you feel. Drained and anxious? Or inspired and energized? Do they celebrate your wins or belittle you?

I know, cutting ties is hard, especially with long-time friends. But at the end of the day, you gotta prioritize YOUR well-being and happiness over anything. It's self-care, not selfishness.

Ditch the toxics and surround yourself with a glow-getting crew!

5. Engage in low-intensity workouts (stop punishing yourself)

Don't stress about intense workouts! Low-intensity moves can be just as effective for feeling great and getting that glow.

I'm talking yoga, pilates, swimming, walking, or even dancing around your living room! πŸ’ƒ Gentle on your body but still giving you the benefits of increased flexibility, better circulation, reduced stress, and a serious mood boost.

If you don’t know where to start, Youtube is your best friend, my favourite channel is β€œLidia Mera” cause her workouts are relaxing, beginner-friendly, and will make you feel good.

Also, I've put together an amazing 30-day Pilates challenge that's perfect for beginners, so definitely check it out! 

6. Implement a simple, yet effective skincare routine

Taking care of your skin is a crucial part of any glow-up journey, but it doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. Simply focus on the basics: gentle cleansing, nourishing moisturizer, and daily sun protection. Remember, it's not about using a million expensive products or following some crazy, complicated routine; It's about simplifying your skincare game and giving your skin the gentle, nourishing TLC it deserves. Be patient, consistent, and kind to yourself, and remember that true radiance starts with self-love and self-care.

7. Practice daily journaling

Journaling is a powerful tool for getting in touch with your emotions, thoughts and cultivating self-love. Think of it as your non-judgmental bestie - a safe space to pour out your day, dreams, fears, goals, anything! Make lists, doodle, write poems or just free-flow whatever's on your mind.

Did you know? Studies have shown that regular journaling can actually boost your immune system, improve your sleep, and even help you achieve your goals faster! 

8. Nourish your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods

Ditch the diet mentality and nourish yourself with nutrient-dense whole foods; colourful produce, lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbs. Fuelling your body right shows in your radiant energy, skin and hair!

For busy babes, smoothies are a stellar hack to blend in tons of nutrients easily. And keep healthy snacks like fresh fruits, veggies and nuts on hand to avoid processed junk.

9. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath or home spa day once a week

Some dedicated "me-time" is absolutely essential for your mental health, your emotional well-being, and yes; even your glow! One of my favourite ways to indulge? A luxurious at-home spa day! πŸ›€ It doesn't have to be anything fancy or expensive; Light some candles, put on a soothing playlist, and take a moment to just breathe and be present in your body. 

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10 . Experiment with a new, confidence-boosting hairstyle or outfit

Experimenting with a new hairstyle or outfit can be a total game-changer for your self-esteem. It's amazing how a little change can make you feel like a whole new person. So, go ahead and try that bold lipstick or rock that cute new top. It's amazing how a little bit of self-expression and creativity can totally transform your mood and your mindset!

At the end of the day, true radiance comes from treating yourself with kindness, compassion and love. It's about surrounding yourself with positive people, moving your body in ways that feel good, nourishing yourself with wholesome foods, and taking time for self-care rituals like journaling.

The glow-up journey is an inside job. But when you prioritize your well-being, the outer radiance will follow. One self-love step at a time, you got this!

And as always, Thrive in Style πŸ’‹


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